What do the letters in LGBTQ+ stand for?

L - lesbian, a woman who is attracted primarily to a woman

G - gay, a man who is primarily attracted to a man; or a broad term referring to someone attracted to someone of the same sex

B - bisexual, an individual who is attracted to someone of the same or opposite gender

T - transgender, a person whose identity differs from their assigned sex at birth

Q - queer, an umbrella term to be inclusive of the many identities making up the LGBTQ+ community

+ = I A P

I - intersex, an individual whose sexual anatomy or chromosomes do not match those of typical male or female

A - asexual, an individual who generally does not feel any sexual desire or attraction to any group of people, it is not the same as celibacy

P - pansexual, a person who experiences sexual, romantic, physical, and/or spiritual attraction to members of all gender identities/expressions, not just people who fit into the standard gender binaries


What does each pride flag mean?